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VelocityNET can help just give us a call to see what we can do for you in town.

VelocityNET can also provide you with Website Hosting.

Its customised solutions can be integrated into your business to enhance functionality and maximise the use of your productivity, saving your time and money.

VelocityNET's friendly and knowledgable team can assist you in making the best choice for your business.


** NOTE: The above information has been provided by the ISP or reproduced from their website **

Total: 7.2
Reliability 7.0
Speed 6.7
Support 9.0
Features 6.0
Value 7.3
Average from 3 reviews
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
2017-09-15 22:08:39
cindy bragg 8.8
I had no broadband internet for 2.5 years because I was waiting for the RBI to get to me. There was always the availability of Farmside satellite but it was prohibitively expensive. Neighbour 3kms away has Spark 4G but I couldn't get it so I did a bit more research and discovered that Chorus had finished their RBI in my area and I was just going to miss out. I didn't realise there was more than one RBI rollout provider. I rang Netspeed cos a girlfriend has it. I'm still waiting 9 weeks later. However I rang Velocitynet which is locally based and provides RBI. The lovely lady there(Nicola) said to me on the phone to come in and borrow a wireless router and plug it in and see what happens. I did and had it for the weekend. IT WORKED WOOHOO! Just plug and pay, didn't need a special and extra cost of antenna. I took it back and said I will get it in one month's time because I didn't have the $99 connection fee and first month in advance, another $99 and I said I have waited this long I can wait another month and pay you $50 per week until then, I was just so pleased to know I could finally have internet, which is great when living rurally. Well, the lovely Nicola said look don't worry about the money, just take this brand new wireless router and start having internet now. I was so amazed because she did not ask me for ID, do a credit check or demand some amount of money, mind you she had my address so I wasn't going anywhere. She took me at face value and I was so happy that someone out there still trusts in people just by meeting them. I did not let her down. I paid $50 per week and it's all paid up now and will drop to $25 per week now. I AM JUST SO HAPPY! I'm sticking with this company because they are local and saw a gap in the availability of rural broadband (lots of farms down here) and met that gap. Local business putting local people first. Please feel free to use this information to help other people in Southland with the same problem. ...read more
Just having access to the world again via the internet is a ++++. The speeds are fast enough for me to stream Netflix and chromecast it to my old smart tv(2010 model), a whole new world of technology. I used to have to go to town and that was hopeless using library computers or at my daughter's who has home-based childcare and each child calls me granny and wants picked up so no chance of using daughter's internet. My mobile also had limited reception so data would just buffer until I found a spot outside which didn't always work. ...read more
2017-08-30 00:51:23
Caroll 2.8
Prices are ridiculously high
Good support
2016-11-22 10:21:42
Nigel Ferguson 10.0
Great local service
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
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