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Skinny Wireless

Skinny does anything to keep our prices low and customers happy!
In a nutshell, Skinny’s whole reason for being is to strip everything back, so you only pay for stuff you actually want at super low prices. It’s based on a model called common sense. Skinny only does award winning mobile and broadband, and it’s all prepay.
Skinny Mobile is a division of Spark New Zealand Trading Limited, and Skinny happily uses Spark's 4G network.
** NOTE: The above information has been provided by the ISP or reproduced from their website **
Total: 5.9
Reliability 6.4
Speed 5.8
Support 5.8
Features 6.2
Value 5.2
Average from 5 reviews
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
2024-01-02 10:46:40
Hans Dirkse 2.6
Very poor service, lack of ability to communicate with them.
2021-03-24 22:28:02
Lesley Swenneker 8.6
Very happy with Skinny both for mobile phone and internet. Setting up fibre was amazingly quick and easy. We had Skinny wireless before fibre and that was great too. Highly recommend.
Reliability, customer service
2020-06-30 13:46:03
T Robinson 7.6
Very happy with Skinny as a provider but some really good deals going at the moment with other companys that suit a lean period I am going through so purely financial reasons for change of provider.
Hassle-free service..never had a problem with the connection or the need to contact them
Better deals available atm.
2020-04-03 12:22:46
Stephanie Walker 9.0
Skinny blew my mind to be honest I've waited up to 6 weeks for the sign up switch on process more than once before, i did have fibre already installed but even still, amidst covid-19 the modem arrived at 9am the next day I signed up at 5.30pm the day before and it was plug and play was all hooked up when we got it. Internet in less than 24hrs with no upfront?! Zero complaints at. all. I even had less than ideal credit and my power with a difrent company, I great value, I hate Telecom but cannot fault them in delivering an altogether great service. I ...read more
Quick setup, good value, awesome service, Fast and fair
None I could think of!
2020-02-12 20:43:26
Sue Boyde 1.6
This is for Skinny 4G Mobile 300 GB. |
Not recommended,.
Even the machine plugged in via Ethernet suffers slow response. All the wifi-connected devices are chronically slow with drop-outs and disconnections. When I complained, Skinny told me to connect every device by Ethernet, i.e. they admitted their wifi is hopeless.
Quick to get going
No good when you get it.
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
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